The Scriptures 1998

Ephesians 4:5-17 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

5. one Master, one belief, one immersion,

6. one Elohim and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.

7. But to each one of us favour was given according to the measure of the gift of Messiah.

8. That is why it says, “When He went up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.”

9. But what does “He went up” mean, except that He also first went down into the lower parts of the earth?

10. He who went down is also the One who went up far above all the heavens, to fill all.

11. And He Himself gave some as emissaries, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as shepherds and teachers

12. for the perfecting of the set-apart ones, to the work of service to a building up of the body of the Messiah,

13. until we all come to the unity of the belief and of the knowledge of the Son of Elohim, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the completeness of Messiah,

14. so that we should no longer be children, tossed and borne about by every wind of teaching, by the trickery of men, in cleverness, unto the craftiness of leading astray,

15. but, maintaining the truth in love, we grow up in all respects into Him who is the head, Messiah,

16. from whom the entire body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the working by which each part does its share, causes growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.

17. So this I say, and witness in the Master, that you should no longer walk as the gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind,