The Scriptures 1998

Deuteronomy 1:28-37 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

28. ‘Where are we going to? Our brothers have made our hearts melt, saying, “The people are greater and taller than we, the cities are great and walled up to the heavens, and we saw the sons of the Anaqim there too.” ’

29. “Then I said to you, ‘Have no dread or fear of them.

30. ‘יהוה your Elohim, who is going before you, He does fight for you, according to all He did for you in Mitsrayim before your eyes,

31. and in the wilderness, where you saw how יהוה your Elohim has borne you, as a man bears his son, in all the way that you went until you came to this place.’

32. “Yet in this matter you are putting no trust in יהוה your Elohim,

33. who is going before you in the way to seek out a place for you to pitch your tents, to show you the way you should go, in fire by night and in a cloud by day.

34. “And יהוה heard the voice of your words, and was wroth, and took an oath, saying,

35. ‘Not one of these men of this evil generation shall see that good land of which I swore to give to your fathers,

36. except Kalĕḇ son of Yephunneh. He shall see it, and to him and his children I give the land on which he walked, because he followed יהוה completely.’

37. “And יהוה was enraged with me for your sakes, saying, ‘You do not go in there, either.