The Scriptures 1998

Acts 7:2-14 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

2. And he replied, “Men, brothers and fathers, listen: The Elohim of esteem appeared to our father Aḇraham when he was in Aram Naharayim, before he dwelt in Ḥaran,

3. and said to him, ‘Come out of your land and from your relatives, and come here, into a land that I shall show you.’

4. “Then he came out of the land of the Chaldeans and dwelt in Ḥaran. And from there, after the death of his father, He removed him to this land in which you now dwell.

5. “And He gave him no inheritance in it, not a foot of it. But He promised to give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him, when as yet he had no child.

6. “And Elohim spoke in this way: that his seed would be sojourning in a foreign land, and that they would be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years.

7. ‘And the nation to whom they shall be enslaved, I shall judge,’ said Elohim, ‘and after that they shall come out and serve Me in this place.’

8. “And He gave him the covenant of circumcision. And so he brought forth Yitsḥaq and circumcised him on the eighth day. And Yitsḥaq brought forth Ya‛aqoḇ, and Ya‛aqoḇ brought forth the twelve ancestors.

9. “And the ancestors, becoming jealous, sold Yosĕph into Mitsrayim. But Elohim was with him,

10. and delivered him out of all his afflictions, and gave him favour and wisdom before Pharaoh, sovereign of Mitsrayim. And he appointed him governor over Mitsrayim and all his house.

11. “Then a scarcity of food and great distress came over all the land of Mitsrayim and Kena‘an, and our fathers found no food.

12. “But Ya‛aqoḇ heard that there was grain in Mitsrayim, and he sent out our fathers the first time,

13. and at the second time Yosĕph was made known to his brothers, and Yosĕph’s race became known to the Pharaoh.

14. “And Yosĕph sent and called his father Ya‛aqoḇ and all his relatives to him, seventy-five people.