The Scriptures 1998

1 Kings 7:7-12 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

7. And he made a hall for the throne, the Hall of Right-ruling, where he ruled. And it was panelled with cedar from floor to floor.

8. And the house where he was to dwell, in the other courtyard, within the hall was of like workmanship. And Shelomoh made a house like this hall for Pharaoh’s daughter, whom he had taken.

9. All these were of precious stone hewn to size, sawed with a saw, inside and out, from the foundation to the coping, and also on the outside to the great courtyard.

10. And the foundation was of precious stone, large stones, stones of ten cubits and stones of eight cubits.

11. And above were precious stones, hewn to size, and cedar wood.

12. So the great courtyard all around had three rows of hewn stones and a row of cedar beams, as was the inner courtyard of the House of יהוה and the porch of the House.