The Scriptures 1998

1 Chronicles 8:27-38 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

27. and Ya‛areshyah, and Ěliyah, and Ziḵri were the sons of Yeroḥam.

28. These were heads of the fathers’ houses by their generations, heads. These dwelt in Yerushalayim.

29. And the father of Giḇ‛on, whose wife’s name was Ma‛aḵah, dwelt at Giḇ‛on.

30. And his first-born son was Aḇdon, then Tsur, and Qish, and Ba‛al, and Naḏaḇ,

31. and Geḏor, and Aḥyo, and Zeḵer,

32. and Miqloth, who brought forth Shim‛ah. And they also dwelt alongside their relatives in Yerushalayim, with their brothers.

33. And Nĕr brought forth Qish, and Qish brought forth Sha’ul, and Sha’ul brought forth Yehonathan, and Malkishua, and Aḇinaḏaḇ, and Esh-Ba‛al.

34. And the son of Yehonathan was Meriḇ-Ba‛al, and Meriḇ-Ba‛al brought forth Miḵah.

35. And the sons of Miḵah: Pithon, and Meleḵ, and Ta’arĕa, and Aḥaz.

36. And Aḥaz brought forth Yeho‛addah, and Yeho‛addah brought forth Alemeth, and Azmaweth, and Zimri. And Zimri brought forth Motsa.

37. And Motsa brought forth Bin‛a, Raphah his son, El‛asah his son, Atsĕl his son.

38. And Atsĕl had six sons whose names were these: Azriqam, Boḵeru, and Yishma‛ĕl, and She‛aryah, and Oḇaḏyah, and Ḥanan. All these were the sons of Atsĕl.