The Scriptures 1998

1 Chronicles 7:12-31 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

12. And Shuppim and Ḥuppim were the sons of Ir, and Ḥushim was the son of Aḥĕr.

13. The sons of Naphtali: Yaḥtsi’ĕl, and Guni, and Yĕtser, and Shallum, sons of Bilhah.

14. The sons of Menashsheh: his Aramean concubine bore him Maḵir the father of Gil‛aḏ, the father of Asri’ĕl.

15. And Maḵir took wives for Ḥuppim and Shuppim; and the name of one was Ma‛aḵah, and the name of the second was Tselophḥaḏ. And Tselophḥaḏ had daughters.

16. But Ma‛aḵah the wife of Maḵir bore a son, and she called his name Peresh. And the name of his brother was Sheresh, and his sons were Ulam and Raqem.

17. And the son of Ulam: Beḏan. These were the sons of Gil‛aḏ, son of Maḵir, son of Menashsheh.

18. And his sister Hammoleḵeth bore Ishhod, and Aḇi‛ezer, and Maḥlah.

19. And the sons of Shemiḏa: Aḥyan, and Sheḵem, and Liqḥi, and Aniyam.

20. And the sons of Ephrayim: Shuthelaḥ, and Bereḏ his son, and Taḥath his son, and Elaḏah his son, and Taḥath his son,

21. and Zaḇaḏ his son, and Shuthelaḥ his son, and Ezer and El‛aḏ. But the men of Gath who were born in that land slew them because they came down to take their livestock.

22. And Ephrayim their father mourned many days, and his brothers came to comfort him.

23. And when he went in to his wife, she conceived and bore a son. And he called his name Beri‛ah, because evil had come upon his house.

24. And his daughter was She’erah, who built Lower and Upper Bĕyth Ḥoron and Uzzen She’erah.

25. And Rephaḥ was his son, as well as Resheph, and Telaḥ his son, and Taḥan his son,

26. La‛dan his son, Ammihuḏ his son, Elishama his son,

27. Nun his son, Yehoshua his son.

28. And their possessions and dwelling places were Bĕyth Ěl and its towns: to the east Na‛aran, and to the west Gezer and its towns, and Sheḵem and its towns, as far as Ayyah and its towns.

29. And by the borders of the children of Menashsheh were Bĕyth She’an and its towns, Ta‛anaḵ and its towns, Meg̅iddo and its towns, Dor and its towns. In these dwelt the children of Yosĕph, son of Yisra’ĕl.

30. The sons of Ashĕr: Yimnah, and Yishwah, and Yishwi, and Beri‛ah, and their sister Seraḥ.

31. And the sons of Beri‛ah: Ḥeḇer and Malki’ĕl, who was the father of Birzoth.