The Scriptures 1998

1 Chronicles 3:19-24 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

19. And the sons of Peḏayah: Zerubbaḇel and Shim‛i. The sons of Zerubbaḇel: Meshullam, and Ḥananyah, and Shelomith their sister,

20. and Ḥashuḇah, and Ohel, and Bereḵyah, and Ḥasaḏyah, Yushaḇ-Ḥeseḏ, five.

21. And the sons of Ḥananyah: Pelatyah and Yeshayah, the sons of Rephayah, the sons of Arnan, the sons of Oḇaḏyah, the sons of Sheḵanyah.

22. And the son of Sheḵanyah: Shemayah. The sons of Shemayah: Ḥattush, and Yig̅’al, and Bariyaḥ, and Ne‛aryah, and Shaphat, six.

23. And the sons of Ne‛aryah: Elyo‛ĕynai, and Ḥizqiyah, and Azriqam, three.

24. And the sons of Elyo‛ĕynai: Hoḏawyah, and Elyashiḇ, and Pelayah, and Aqquḇ, and Yoḥanan, and Delayah, and Anani, seven.