The Scriptures 1998

1 Chronicles 26:21-32 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

21. The sons of La‛dan, the sons of the Gĕrshonites of La‛dan, heads of their fathers’ houses, of La‛dan the Gĕrshonite: Yeḥi’ĕli.

22. The sons of Yeḥi’ĕli, Zĕtham and Yo’ĕl his brother, were over the treasuries of the House of יהוה.

23. Of the Amramites, the Yitsharites, the Ḥeḇronites, and the Uzzi’ĕlites,

24. even Sheḇu’ĕl son of Gĕreshom, son of Mosheh, was overseer of the treasuries.

25. And his brothers by Eli‛ezer were Reḥaḇyahu his son, and Yeshayahu his son, and Yoram his son, and Ziḵri his son, and Shelomoth his son.

26. This Shelomoth and his brothers were over all the treasuries of the set-apart gifts which Sovereign Dawiḏ and the heads of fathers’ houses, the commanders over thousands and hundreds, and the commanders of the army, had set apart.

27. Some of the booty won in battles they set apart to maintain the House of יהוה.

28. And all that Shemu’ĕl the seer, and Sha’ul son of Qish, and Aḇnĕr son of Nĕr, and Yo’aḇ son of Tseruyah had set apart, all who were setting apart, were under the hand of Shelomith and his brothers.

29. Of the Yitsharites, Kenanyahu and his sons were for the outward duties as officials and judges over Yisra’ĕl.

30. Of the Ḥeḇronites, Ḥashaḇyahu and his brothers, one thousand seven hundred able men, had the oversight of Yisra’ĕl beyond the Yardĕn westward, for all the work of יהוה, and in the service of the sovereign.

31. Of the Ḥeḇronites, Yeriyah was head of the Ḥeḇronites according to his genealogy of the fathers. In the fortieth year of the reign of Dawiḏ they were sought, and there were found among them able men at Ya‛zĕr of Gil‛aḏ.

32. And his brothers were two thousand seven hundred able men, heads of fathers’ houses, whom Sovereign Dawiḏ made officials over the Re’uḇĕnites, and the Gaḏites, and the half-tribe of Menashsheh, in all matters of Elohim and matters of the sovereign.