The Scriptures 1998

1 Chronicles 23:22-32 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

22. And El‛azar died, and had no sons, but only daughters. And their brothers, the sons of Qish, took them.

23. The sons of Mushi: Maḥli, Ěḏer, and Yerĕmoth, three.

24. These were the sons of Lĕwi by their fathers’ houses, the heads of the fathers’ houses as they were counted head by head by the number of their names, who did the work for the service of the House of יהוה, from the age of twenty years and above.

25. For Dawiḏ said, “יהוה Elohim of Yisra’ĕl has given rest to His people, and He dwells in Yerushalayim forever,”

26. and also of the Lĕwites, “They shall no longer bear the Dwelling Place, or any of the vessels for its service.”

27. For by the last words of Dawiḏ the Lĕwites were numbered from twenty years old and above,

28. because their duty was to help the sons of Aharon in the service of the House of יהוה, in the courtyards and in the rooms, in the cleansing of all that was set-apart, and the work of the service of the House of Elohim,

29. both with the showbread and the fine flour for the grain offering, and with the unleavened cakes and what is baked on the griddle, and with what is mixed and with all kinds of measures and sizes;

30. and to stand every morning to thank and praise יהוה, and so at evening;

31. and for all the burnt offerings to יהוה on the Sabbaths and on the New Moons and on the appointed times, by number according to the right-ruling upon them, continually before יהוה;

32. and that they should guard the duty of the Tent of Meeting, the duty of the set-apart place, and the duty of the sons of Aharon their brothers in the service of the House of יהוה.