The Scriptures 1998

1 Chronicles 1:26-36 The Scriptures 1998 (ISR98)

26. Serug̅, Naḥor, Teraḥ,

27. and Aḇram, that is Aḇraham.

28. The sons of Aḇraham: Yitsḥaq and Yishma‛ĕl.

29. These are their genealogies: The first-born of Yishma‛ĕl was Neḇayoth, and Qĕḏar, and Aḏbe’ĕl, and Miḇsam,

30. Mishma, and Dumah, and Massa, Haḏaḏ, and Tĕma,

31. Yetur, Naphish, and Qĕḏemah. These were the sons of Yishma‛ĕl.

32. And the sons born to Qeturah, Aḇraham’s concubine: Zimran, and Yoqshan, and Meḏan, and Miḏyan, and Yishbaq, and Shuwaḥ. The sons of Yoqshan: Sheḇa and Deḏan.

33. And the sons of Miḏyan: Ěphah, and Ěpher, and Ḥanoḵ, and Aḇiḏa, and Elda‛ah. All these were the children of Qeturah.

34. And Aḇraham brought forth Yitsḥaq. The sons of Yitsḥaq: Ěsaw and Yisra’ĕl.

35. The sons of Ěsaw: Eliphaz, Re‛uw’ĕl, and Ye‛ush, and Ya‛lam, and Qoraḥ.

36. And the sons of Eliphaz: Tĕman, and Omar, Tsephi, and Gatam, and Qenaz, and Timna, and Amalĕq.