The Message

Genesis 5:24-32 The Message (MSG)

24. Enoch walked steadily with God. And then one day he was simply gone: God took him.

25-27. When Methuselah was 187 years old, he had Lamech. After he had Lamech, he lived another 782 years. Methuselah lived a total of 969 years. And he died.

28-31. When Lamech was 182 years old, he had a son. He named him Noah, saying, “This one will give us a break from the hard work of farming the ground that God cursed.” After Lamech had Noah, he lived another 595 years, having more sons and daughters. Lamech lived a total of 777 years. And he died.

32. When Noah was 500 years old, he had Shem, Ham, and Japheth.