The Message

Ezekiel 44:17-19-23 The Message (MSG)

17-19. “When they enter the gate complex of the inside courtyard, they are to dress in linen. No woolens are to be worn while serving at the gate complex of the inside courtyard or inside the Temple itself. They’re to wear linen turbans on their heads and linen underclothes—nothing that makes them sweat. When they go out into the outside courtyard where the people gather, they must first change out of the clothes they have been serving in, leaving them in the sacred rooms where they change to their everyday clothes, so that they don’t trivialize their holy work by the way they dress.

20. “They are to neither shave their heads nor let their hair become unkempt, but must keep their hair trimmed and neat.

21. “No priest is to drink on the job—no wine while in the inside courtyard.

22. “Priests are not to marry widows or divorcees, but only Israelite virgins or widows of priests.

23. “Their job is to teach my people the difference between the holy and the common, to show them how to discern between unclean and clean.