The Message

Daniel 6:23-28 The Message (MSG)

23. When the king heard these words, he was happy. He ordered Daniel taken up out of the den. When he was hauled up, there wasn’t a scratch on him. He had trusted his God.

24. Then the king commanded that the conspirators who had informed on Daniel be thrown into the lions’ den, along with their wives and children. Before they hit the floor, the lions had them in their jaws, tearing them to pieces.

25-27. King Darius published this proclamation to every race, color, and creed on earth:Peace to you! Abundant peace!I decree that Daniel’s God shall be worshiped and feared in all parts of my kingdom.He is the living God, world without end. His kingdom never falls.His rule continues eternally.He is a savior and rescuer.He performs astonishing miracles in heaven and on earth.He saved Daniel from the power of the lions.

28. From then on, Daniel was treated well during the reign of Darius, and also in the following reign of Cyrus the Persian.