Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yochanan 9:28-40 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

28. And they reviled him and said, You are a talmid of that man, but we are talmidim of Moshe Rabbeinu. [BAMIDBAR 12:2,8]

29. We have da'as that Hashem has spoken to Moshe Rabbeinu, but this man, we do not have da'as from where he comes.

30. In reply, the man said to them, Here is a real cheftza! That you do not have da'as from where he comes, and he opened my eyes!

31. We have da'as that G-d does not listen to chote''im (sinners), but if anyone has chassidus and yirat shomayim and does the ratzon (will) of Him, this one G-d hears. [TEHILLIM 18:23-32; 34:15 16; 66:18; 145:19-20; 51:7(5); MISHLE 15:8,29; YESHAYAH 1:15; 59:1-2]

32. Never vi-bahlt the Bri'at HaOlam (the Creation of the World) it was heard of that anyone opened the eyes of an ivver (blind man) having been born thus.

33. If this man was not from Hashem, he would not be able to do anything.

34. They answered and said to him, You were born totally B'AVON (in sin) and you teach us? And they threw him out. [TEHILLIM 51:5(7)]

35. Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach heard that they threw him out, and, having found him, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, Do you have emunah (faith) in the Ben HaAdam?

36. In reply, the man said, And who is he, Adoni, that I may have emunah in him?

37. And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, You have seen him, and the one speaking with you is he.

38. And the man said, Ani ma'amin, Adoni. And he fell down prostrate before him.

39. And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, For the sake of Mishpat, I came into the Olam Hazeh, that the ones who are ivrim (blind ones) may see, and the ones seeing may become ivrim.

40. Some of the Perushim heard these things, the ones being with him, and they said to him, Surely we are not ivrim, are we?