Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yochanan 17:21-26 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

21. That all may be echad, as You, Avi, are in me and I am in You, [YIRMEYAH 32:39] that also they may be in us, that the Olam Hazeh may have emunah (faith) that You sent me.

22. The kavod which You have given me, I have given them, that they may be echad just as we are echad.

23. I in them and You in me that they may become tamim (perfect) in Achdut (Unity) that the Olam Hazeh may have da'as that You sent me, and had ahavah for them, just as You have ahavah for me.

24. Elohim Avi, as to that which You have given me, I desire that where I am, those also may be with me, that they may behold my kavod, which You have given me, because You had ahavah for me before the hivvased haOlam.

25. Avi HaTzaddik, indeed the world did not have da'as of You, but I knew You, and these ones knew that You sent me.

26. And I have made known to them the Shem of You and will make it known, that the ahavah with which You loved me may be in them and I in them.