Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yochanan 15:11-21 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. These things I have spoken to you that the simcha of me may be in you and the simcha of you may be made shleimah.

12. This is my mitzvah for you, that you have ahavah (agape) one for the other, as I have ahavah (agape) for you.

13. Ahavah (agape) gedolah than this no one has, that someone lay down his neshamah for his chaverim [BERESHIS 44:33].

14. You are my chaverim, if you are shomer oner my mitzvot. [IYOV 16:20; MISHLE 18:24]

15. No longer do I call you avadim, because the eved does not have da'as of what his Adon is doing. But you I have called chaverim, because all things which I heard from HaAv of me, of all these things I gave you da'as. [SHEMOT 33:11]

16. It was not that you chose me, but I chose you, and have given you s'michah that you go and bear p'ri and the p'ri of you remain, that whatever you ask HaAv b'Shem of me (Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach), HaAv may give it to you.

17. I am giving you these mitzvot, that you have ahavah (agape) one for the other.

18. If the Olam Hazeh has sin'as chinom (hatred without cause) for you, [YESHAYAH 66:5] be aware it has had sin'as chinom for me before you.

19. If you were of the Olam Hazeh, the Olam Hazeh would have had ahavah for its own. But because from the Olam Hazeh you are not, but I chose you out of the Olam Hazeh, therefore the Olam Hazeh has sin'as chinom for you [1Yn 4:5; Yn 17:14].

20. Put in zikaron (remembrance) the dvar which I told you, An eved is not gadol (greater) than his Adon. If they brought redifah (persecution) on me, they will also bring redifah on you. If over my dvar they were shomer, also over yours they will be shomer.

21. But all these things they will do to you on account of the Shem of me [YESHAYAH 66:5], because they do not have da'as of the One having sent me.