Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yochanan 1:36-44 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

36. And as Yochanan watched Yehoshua walking by, Yochanan says, Hinei the Seh HaElohim! (Gn 22:8; Ex 12:5-13; Isa 53:7)

37. And the two talmidim heard Yochanan speaking, and they followed after him.

38. When he turned and saw them following, he says to them, Mah tevakkeshun? (What do you seek?) And they said to him, Rebbe (which means, being translated, my Master Moreh [teacher]), where is your mekom megurim (dwelling place)?

39. And he says to them, Bo'u u're'u! (Come and see!) They went, therefore, and saw his mekom megurim, and remained with him that day. The hour was about the tenth (four o'clock in the afternoon).

40. One of the two was the achi Shimon Kefa. His name was Andrew. He was one of the two who heard Yochanan and followed him.

41. Andrew first finds his own achi Shimon Kefa and says to him, We have found the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach!--the word, being translated, means "Messiah". [DANIEL 9:25; TEHILLIM 2:2; SHMUEL ALEF 2:10]

42. Andrew led Shimon to Yehoshua. When Yehoshua gazed at Shimon, he said, You are Shimon Bar Yonah. You will be called Kefa, which is translated Petros [Rock]. [BERESHIS 17:5,15; 32:28; 35:10]

43. On the next day he wanted to go out into the Galil, and he finds Philippos, and says to Philippos, Follow me [as my talmid]. [MELACHIM ALEF 19:19]

44. Now Philippos was from Beit Tzaidah, the shtetl of Andrew and Kefa.