Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yirmeyah 38:3-14 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. Thus saith Hashem, This city shall surely be given into the yad of the army of Melech Bavel, which shall capture it.

4. Therefore the sarim said unto HaMelech, Let now this ish be put to death; for thus he weakeneth the hands of the anshei hamilchamah that are left in this city, and the hands of all the people, in speaking such devarim unto them; for this ish seeketh not the shalom of this people, but the hurt.

5. Then Tzidkiyah HaMelech said, Hinei, he is in your yad (hand, power); for HaMelech is not he that can do anything against you.

6. Then took they Yirmeyah, and cast him into the bor (pit, dungeon, cistern) of Malkiyah Ben Hammelech, that was in the Khatzer (courtyard) of the Guard; and they lowered Yirmeyah with ropes. And in the bor (pit) there was no mayim, but mud; so Yirmeyah sank in the mud.

7. Now when Eved-melech HaKushi (the Ethiopian), an ish saris (official) in the Bais HaMelech, heard that they had put Yirmeyah in the bor; HaMelech was then sitting in the Sha'ar Binyamin;

8. Eved-melech went forth out of the Bais HaMelech, and spoke to HaMelech saying,

9. Adoni HaMelech, these anashim have done ra'ah in all that they have done to Yirmeyah HaNavi, whom they have cast into the bor; and he is likely to die from hunger in the place where he is; for there is no more lechem in the Ir.

10. Then HaMelech commanded Eved-melech HaKushi (the Ethiopian), saying, Take from here shloshim anashim with thee, and lift up Yirmeyah HaNavi out of the bor (dungeon), before he dies.

11. So Eved-melech took the anashim with him, and went into the Bais HaMelech under the Otzar (Treasury), and took from there old rags and old worn out clothes, and let them down by ropes into the bor to Yirmeyah.

12. And Eved-melech HaKushi said unto Yirmeyah, Put now these old rags and worn out clothes under thine armpits under the ropes. And Yirmeyah did so.

13. So they drew up Yirmeyah with ropes, and lifted him up out of the bor; and Yirmeyah remained in the Khatzer (courtyard) of the Guard.

14. Then Tzidkiyah HaMelech sent, and took Yirmeyah HaNavi unto him into the third entrance that is in the Bais Hashem; and HaMelech said unto Yirmeyah, I will ask thee a thing; hide nothing from me.