Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yirmeyah 31:10-18 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

10. (9) Hear the Devar Hashem, O ye Goyim, and preach it in the farthest shores, and say, He that scattered Yisroel will gather Yisroel, and He shall be shomer over Yisroel, like a Ro'eh over the Eder thereof.

11. (10) For Hashem hath redeemed Ya'akov, and made Geulah (Redemption) for Ya'akov out of the yad of him that was chazak more than Ya'akov.

12. (11) Therefore they shall come and loudly, joyously sing on the height of Tziyon, and shall stream to the Tuv Hashem (Bounty, Goodness of Hashem), for dagan (grain), and for tirosh (new wine) and for yitzhar (pure olive oil) and for the young of the tzon and of the herd; and their nefesh shall be like a wellwatered gan (garden); and they shall not sorrow any more at all.

13. (12) Then shall the betulah rejoice in the machol (dance), both bocherim (young men) and zekenim together; for I will turn their evel (mourning) into sasson (joy), and will comfort them, and make them have simcha from their sorrow.

14. (13) And I will satisfy the nefesh of the Kohanim with deshen (fatness, abundance) and My people shall be sated with My Tuv (Bounty, Goodness), saith Hashem.

15. (14) Thus saith Hashem; A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Rachel, weeping for her banim, refused to be comforted for her banim, because they were no more [see OJBC Mt.2:18].

16. (15) Thus saith Hashem; Refrain thy voice from weeping, and thine eyes from tears; for sachar (reward) there will be for thy labor, saith Hashem; and they shall return from the eretz oyev (land of the enemy).

17. (16) And there is tikveh (hope) in thine acharit (future, latter end), saith Hashem, that thy banim shall return to their own border.

18. (17) I have surely heard Ephrayim bemoaning himself thus; Thou hast chastised me, and I was chastised, like an unbroken egel; turn Thou me, and I shall be turned; for Thou art Hashem Elohai.