Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yirmeyah 2:1-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Moreover the Devar Hashem came to me, saying,

2. Go and cry, shouting in the ears of Yerushalayim, saying, Thus saith Hashem; I remember thee, the chesed of thy ne'urim, the ahavas of thy days as a kallah, when thou wentest after Me in midbar, in an eretz that was not sown.

3. Yisroel was Kodesh unto Hashem, and the reshit (firstfruit) of his tevu'ah (crop): all that devour him are held guilty; ra'ah shall overtake them, saith Hashem.

4. Hear ye the Devar Hashem, O Beis Ya'akov, and all the mishpekhot of Bais Yisroel:

5. Thus saith Hashem, What avel (wrong, fault) have avoteichem found in Me, that they are strayed far from Me, and have walked after hevel (vain, empty delusion), and are become deluded?

6. Neither did they ask, Where is Hashem that brought us up out of Eretz Mitzrayim, that led us through the midbar, through an eretz of deserts and pits, through an eretz tziyyah (land of drought) and tzalmavet, through eretz that no ish passed through, where no adam dwelt?

7. And I brought you into an eretz hacarmel, to eat the pri thereof and the tovah thereof; but when ye entered, ye made My land tameh, and made My nachalah a to'evah.

8. The Kohanim asked not, Where is Hashem? And they that handle the Torah had no da'as of Me; the ro'im also rebelled against Me, and the nevi'im prophesied by Ba'al, and walked after worthless things.