Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yeshayah 59:1-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Behold, the Yad Hashem is not too short, that it cannot save; neither His ozen (ear) too kaved (hard, insensitive, heavy, dull) that it cannot hear;

2. But your avonot (iniquities) have separated you and Eloheichem, and your chattot (sins) have concealed His face from you, that He will not hear.

3. For your hands are defiled and polluted with dahm, and your fingers with avon (iniquity); your lips have spoken sheker, your leshon (tongue) hath muttered avlah (perverseness, wickedness, iniquity, lashon hora).

4. None calleth [unto Hashem] b'tzedek (in righteousness), nor any pleadeth b'emunah (in faithfulness, in truth); they trust in tohu [nothingness, Gn 1:2], and speak shav (vanity); they conceive amal (trouble), and give birth to aven (wickedness).

5. They hatch the beytzim (eggs) of the tzifoni (viper, poisonous snake), and weave the webs of the akavish (spider); he that eateth of their beytzim (eggs) dieth, and of that which is cracked open, an efeh (kind of poisonous snake) is hatched.

6. Their webs shall not become beged (garments), neither shall they cover themselves with their ma'asim; their ma'asim are ma'asei aven (works of wickedness), and the po'al chamas (act of violence) is in their hands.

7. Their raglayim (feet) run to rah, and they make haste for shefach dahm naki (blood shed of the innocent); their machsh'vot (thoughts) are machsh'vot of aven (wickedness); shod (desolation) and shever (destruction) are on their highways.

8. Of the Derech Shalom they have no da'as; and there is no mishpat (justice) in their circuits; they have made themselves crooked roads; whosoever walketh thereon shall not know shalom.

9. Therefore is mishpat (justice) far from us, neither doth tzedakah overtake us; we wait for ohr, but, hinei, choshech; for negohot (brightness), but we walk in gloom.

10. We grope by the wall like the ivrim (blind), and we grope as if we had no einayim (eyes); we stumble at tzohorayim (noon) as in twilight; we are in full vigor and stout, yet we are as mesim (dead ones).

11. We all growl like dubim (bears), and moan continually like yonim (doves); we look for mishpat, but there is none; for Yeshuah (Salvation), but it is far off from us.

12. Because peysha'einu (our rebellions) have multiplied before Thee, and chattoteinu (our sins) testify against us; for peysha'einu are still with us; and as for avonoteinu (our iniquities), we acknowledge them: