Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yeshayah 40:7-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

7. The khatzir (grass) withereth, the tzitz (flower, blossom) falleth; because the Ruach of Hashem bloweth upon it; surely the people is khatzir (grass).

8. The khatzir withereth, the tzitz falleth; but the Devar Eloheinu shall stand forever.

9. O Mevaseret Tziyon (O Herald, Preacher of Besorah [Good News, Gospel] Tziyon, O Lady Evangelist Tziyon), get thee up into the har gavo'ah (high mountain); O Mevaseret Yerushalayim (O Herald, Preacher of Besorah [Good News, Gospel] Yerushalayim, O Lady Evangelist Yerushalayim), lift up thy voice with ko'ach; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the towns of Yehudah, Hinei Eloheichem!

10. Hinei, Adonoi Hashem will come with chazak, and His zero'a [Moshiach, see Isaiah 53:1] shall rule for Him; hinei, His sachar (reward) is with Him, and His pe'ullah (work, recompense, retribution, penal reward [for His enemies]) before Him.

11. He shall feed His Eder like a Ro'eh; He shall gather the tela'im (lambs) with His zero'a, and carry them in His kheyk, and shall gently lead those that are with young.

12. Who hath measured the mayim in the hollow of His Hand, and meted out Shomayim with a handbreadth, and enclosed the aphar ha'aretz in a measure, and weighed the harim (mountains) in scales, and the geva'ot (hills) in a balance? [See Prov 30:4.]

13. Who hath directed the Ruach of Hashem, or being His ish etzah (counselor) hath taught Him?

14. With whom did He take counsel, and who gave Him binah, and taught Him in the orakh mishpat, and taught Him da'as, and showed Him the derech tevunot (way of understanding, intelligence)?

15. Surely the Goyim are like a drop in a bucket, and are accounted as dust of the scales; surely He taketh up the iyim (islands) like fine dust.

16. Levanon is not sufficient to burn, nor the beasts thereof sufficient for an olah.