Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yeshayah 30:27-33 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

27. Hinei, the Shem of Hashem cometh from afar, burning is His anger, and heavy is His cloud; His safatayim (lips) are full of indignation, and His lashon is like a devouring eish;

28. And His Ruach, like an overflowing stream, shall reach half-way to the tzavar (neck), to sift the Goyim with the sieve of shav (vanity, futility); and there shall be a misleading bridle bit in the jaws of the people.

29. Ye shall have the shir (song), as in the night when the chag is set apart as kodesh; and simchat levav, as when one goeth with a chalil (flute) to come to the Har Hashem, to the Tzur Yisroel.

30. And Hashem shall cause His glorious voice to be heard, and shall cause the lowering of His zero'a to be seen, with the indignation of His anger, and with the flame of a devouring eish, with smashing, and tempest, and even barad (stones of hail, hailstones).

31. For through the voice of Hashem shall the Assyrian be crushed, which struck with a shevet (rod).

32. And in every place where the matteh (rod) of punishment shall pass, which Hashem shall lay upon him [Ashur], it shall be with tambourines and kinnorot; and in milchamot (battles) of brandishing will He fight against them.

33. For Tophet [i.e., the place where humans are sacrificed to Molech in Gey Hinnom] is ordained of old; indeed, for Melech [Molech] it is prepared. He hath made it deep and wide; the fire pit thereof is eish and much wood; the nishmat Hashem (breath of Hashem), like a stream of gofrit (brimstone, burning sulfur), doth kindle it [see Isa 66:24].