Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yehudim In Moshiach 2:12-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

12. Saying, "I will declare your Name to my brothers, within the congregation I will praise you"--TEHILLIM 22:23 [22]).

13. And again, "I put my bitachon in him" [YESHAYAH 12:2] and again "HINEI ANOCHI V'HAYELADIM ASHER NATAN LI HASHEM ("Here I am and the yeladim whom Hashem gave to me.") [YESHAYAH 8:18]

14. Therefore, als (since) the yeladim share in the basar vadahm and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach likewise shared in the same things, that through the histalkus of his mavet he might destroy the one having power over mavet, that is, Hasatan [see Gn ch 3],

15. And he might release these, as many as through eymat haMavet (terror of Death) were subjected to avdut (slavery) all the days of their existence.

16. For surely it was not malachim that concerned him, but the zera Avraham Avinu.