Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yehudim In Moshiach 11:16-30 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

16. But, as it is, they aspire for something better, an Eretz HaAvot b'Shomayim; therefore, Hashem is not ashamed to be called "Ehoheihem;" for he prepared for them an Ir Kodesh.

17. By Emunah Avraham Avinu, when he underwent nisayon, offered up the Akedas HaYitzchak; and he who had received the Havtachot (Promises) was offering as a korban his Ben Yechid. [Yn 3:16]

18. This was Avraham Avinu, about whom it was said KI VEYITZCHAK YIKARE LECHA ZERA ("In Yitzchak will be called your seed" BERESHIS 21:12).

19. Avraham Avinu considered that Hashem was able to bring about the Techiyas HaMesim, from which he also received back Yitzchak as a tipus (type, pattern).

20. By Emunah Yitzchak invoked brachot with respect to future events on Ya'akov and Esav.

21. By Emunah Ya'akov, as he was dying, gave a bracha to each of the banim of Yosef and V'YISHTAKHU YISROEL ("And Yisroel worshiped" BERESHIS 47:31).

22. By Emunah Yosef, as he was dying, dermohn (made mention) of the Yetzi'at Bnei Yisroel (the Going Out, the Exodus of Bnei Yisroel) and he gave instructions concerning his ATZMOT (bones, BERESHIS 50:25).

23. By Emunah, Moshe Rabbeinu, when he was born, was hidden SHELOSHA CHODESHIM [SHEMOT 2:2) because they saw he was a yeled TOV (SHEMOT 2:2) and they had no pachad (terror) at the king's decree.

24. By Emunah, Moshe Rabbeinu, when he had grown, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter;

25. Chosing rather to endure redifah (persecution) with the Am Hashem than to enjoy the ephemeral ta'anugot (pleasures) of averos for a season.

26. For Moshe Rabbeinu considered abuse and tzoros for the sake of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach greater osher (riches) than the otzar (treasure) of Mitzrayim (Egypt), for he had respect unto the recompense of the sachar (reward).

27. By Emunah, Moshe Rabbeinu departed from Mitzrayim (Egypt), not having pachad (fear) of the ka'as (anger) of the king, for he persevered as seeing the One who is unseen.

28. By Emunah, Moshe Rabbeinu kept Pesach and the sprinkling of the dahm [on the mezuzot, SHEMOT 12:22], for fear that the Destroyer of the Bechorim might destroy them.

29. By Emunah, they went through the Yam Suf as through YABASHAH (dry ground, BERESHIS 1:10); and those of Mitzrayim (Egypt), when they attempted it, were drowned. [MICHOH 7:19]

30. By Emunah, the walls of Yericho fell down, after they had been encircled for shivat yamim.