Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yehudim In Moshiach 11:11-20 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. By Emunah also Sarah, herself barren, received the ability to found a posterity, and she did so even beyond the normal age, als (since) she considered ne'eman (faithful) the One having given the Havtachah (promise);

12. therefore, also, from one man were born [DEVARIM 26:5] and indeed this man was kimat (practically, as good as) dead many, as numerous as HAKOKHAVIM in HASHOMAYIM and as innumerable as the sand ASHER AL SEFAT ("that is on the seashore"). [BERESHIS 15:5; 22:17]

13. Yet all of these became niftarim (deceased) in Emunah, not having received the havtachot (promises), but having seen them and, as it were, they gave the havtachot a "Baruch Habah!" welcome from a distance, and they made the Ani Ma'amin hoda'ah (confession) that they were GERIM ["strangers" Ps 39:13(12)] and TOSHAVIM ("sojourners") in the Golus of the Olam Hazeh.

14. For those saying such things make it clear that they are searching for an Eretz Moshav.

15. And if they were remembering ha'aretz from which they made aliyah, they would have had an opportunity to make yerida (to descend back, return).

16. But, as it is, they aspire for something better, an Eretz HaAvot b'Shomayim; therefore, Hashem is not ashamed to be called "Ehoheihem;" for he prepared for them an Ir Kodesh.

17. By Emunah Avraham Avinu, when he underwent nisayon, offered up the Akedas HaYitzchak; and he who had received the Havtachot (Promises) was offering as a korban his Ben Yechid. [Yn 3:16]

18. This was Avraham Avinu, about whom it was said KI VEYITZCHAK YIKARE LECHA ZERA ("In Yitzchak will be called your seed" BERESHIS 21:12).

19. Avraham Avinu considered that Hashem was able to bring about the Techiyas HaMesim, from which he also received back Yitzchak as a tipus (type, pattern).

20. By Emunah Yitzchak invoked brachot with respect to future events on Ya'akov and Esav.