Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yehudim In Moshiach 10:5-9 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. Therefore, when he comes into the Olam Hazeh, he says "ZEVACH UMINCHAH LO CHAFATZTA ("sacrifice and offering" Ps 40:7 (6) You did not desire but a body you prepared for me; (Ps 39:7 TARGUM HA-SHIVIM)

6. OLAH V'CHATA'AH LO SH'ALTA ("Burnt offering and sin offering you have not desired")

7. Then I said, 'Look, here I am, I have come --it is written about me in the megillah [scroll') LA'ASOT RETZONECHAH ELOHAI CHAFATZTI ("I desire to do your will, O G-d.")

8. When he said above, "ZEVACH and MINCHAH and OLAH and CHATA'AH you have not desired, nor have you taken pleasure in them" --these are offered according to the Torah

9. Then he said, "I have come LA'ASOT RETZONECHAH ("to do your will.") He takes away HaRishonah (the way of the zevakhim of the kehunah of Levi) in order to establish HaSheniyah (the way of the zevach of the kehunah of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach).