Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yehudim In Moshiach 10:27-39 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

27. But only a terrible expectation of Din and Mishpat and of a blazing EISH TZARECHA TOKHLEM ("Fire that will consume the enemies of Hashem" YESHAYAH 26:11).

28. Anyone who was doiche (rejecting or setting aside) the Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu, upon the dvar of SHNI EDIM O AL PI SHLOSHA EDIM ("Testimony of two or three witnesses" DEVARIM 19:15), dies without rachamim.

29. By how much worse onesh (penalty) do you think the one will be considered worthy who trampled on the Ben HaElohim and also treated as mechallel kodesh (profane) the Dahm HaBrit which set him apart mekudash and also committed Chillul Hashem gidduf against the Ruach Hakodesh of Hashem's chesed?

30. For we have da'as of the One who said, LI NAKAM V'SHILEM ("Vengeance is mine and I will repay") [DEVARIM 32:35] and again YADIN HASHEM AMMO ("The L-rd will judge his people" DEVARIM 32:36).

31. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Elohim Chayyim.

32. But have zikaron of the yamim mikedem (earlier days) in which, when you had received the Ohr Hashem, you endured a great tzoros, a great "Kristallnacht" of yissurim (suffering),

33. sometimes being publicly abused with baleidikung (insult) and fargolgung (persecution) yourselves; other times being oppressed chavrusa partners with the ones so treated.

34. For you showed Gemilut Chasadim for the Achim b'Moshiach in the beis hasohar and with simcha you accepted the pogrom-like confiscation of your property because you have da'as that you possess a better and more enduring yerushah (inheritance).

35. Do not discard, then, your bitachon (confident trust) which has gadol sachar (great reward).

36. You are nitzrach (needy) of the kind of zitzfleisch (patience) that has endurance, in order that, having accomplished the ratzon Hashem, you will receive the havtachah (promise).

37. For yet a little while and Hu HaBah [Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach] YAVO LO YE'ACHER ("He will come, he will not delay")

38. V'TZADDIK VE'EMUNATO YICHEYEH ("And my tzaddik will live by Emunah" --CHABAKUK 2:3-4) And, if he shrinks back as a shmad defector, LO YASHRAH NAFSHO BO ("his desire is not upright in him").

39. But we are not of those who shrink back as shmad defectors toward churban destruction, but we are of those with Emunah whose neshamah is preserved in Yeshu'at Eloheinu.