Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yehudim In Moshiach 1:1-4 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. In many and various drakhim (ways) Hashem in amolike times (olden times) spoke to the Avot by the Nevi'im.

2. At the Ketz HaYamim, Hashem spoke to us by HaBen, whom He appointed Bechor of the Bechorah, Yoresh Kol (Heir of All Things), through whom also Hashem BARAH ES HASHOMAYIM V'ES HA'ARETZ (see Prov 30:4);

3. Who being the Shechinah zohar (brilliance) of Hashem and the exact impress and demut of Hashem's essential nature, being, and reality, and sustaining everything by his Dvar HaKo'ach, after he made tihur (purification) of chatta'im (sins), sat down at LIMIN ("the right hand" TEHILLIM 110:1) of the Majesty on High.

4. He had become as much superior to the malachim as ha-Shem (the Name) Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach has inherited is more fest (excellent) than theirs.