Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yehuda 1:3-9 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. Chaverim, although I was very eager to write to you an iggeret hakodesh concerning the Geulah (Redemption) we share, it suddenly became necessary to write you an urgent appeal to fight for the [correct Orthodox Jewish] Emunah (Faith, the Emunah of the true Dat HaYehudit), which was once for all time handed over and transmitted to the Kadoshim.

4. For certain men, anshei resha (men of wickedness), written down long ago [in the sfarim of Hashem] for this harsha'ah (condemnation) [DANIEL 7:10; Rv 20:12; 1K 2:8], have infiltrated our ranks, men twisting the Chen v'Chesed HaElokeinu into a license for sensual selfindulgence and denying our only Ribboneinu and Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua.

5. Now I wish to remind you, though you are fully informed, that Hashem, Who once saved a people from Eretz Mitzrayim (Egypt), afterwards destroyed every Apikoros not having Emunah (Faith).

6. And you have da'as about the malachim (angels), not being content to keep their positions of Memshalah (Rule, Dominion), having deserted their own station, these malachim Hashem has kept under sharsherot (chains) oif eibik (forever), under choshech [see 2K 2:4] for the Mishpat HaYom HaGadol, the Judgment of the Great Day [the Yom HaDin].

7. As S'dom and Amora and the cities around them, in a doime (similar) manner to these, indulging in gilui arayot (sexual immorality) against the course of nature and turning aside and going after alien flesh, are set forth to lie in public view as a mofet (example), undergoing the onesh of Eish Olam (Eternal Fire, YESHAYAH 66:24; Mt 25:46; Rv 20:10).

8. Likewise, indeed, these ["certain men," 1:4], these dreamers, on the one hand, pollute the basar (flesh); on the other hand, they do not recognize HaMemshalah (rule) of glorious heavenly beings; instead, they speak lashon hora with Chillul Hashem railing against them.

9. By contrast, Micha'el the Sar HaMalachim (DANIEL 10:13), when he took issue with Hasatan and disputed about the geviyyat Moshe [Rabbeinu] (body of Moses), did not presume to pronounce a slanderous judgment [against Hasatan], but said, "Hashem rebuke you!"