Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yehoshua 19:11-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. And their boundary went up to the west, and Maralah, and reached to Dabbashet, and reached to the wadi that is opposite Yokneam;

12. And turned from Sarid eastward toward the rising of the shemesh unto the territory of Kislot Tavor, and then goeth out to Dovrat, and goeth up to Yaphia,

13. And from there passeth on along on the east to Gat-Chepher, to Et-Katzin, and goeth out to Rimmon being bent unto Neah;

14. And the boundary goes around it on the north to Chanaton; and ends at the valley of Yiphtach-El;

15. And Kattat, and Nahallal, and Shimron, and Yidalah, and Beit-Lechem; 12 towns with their villages.

16. This is the nachalah of the Bnei Zevulun according to their mishpekhot, these towns with their villages.

17. And the fourth goral came out to Yissakhar, for the Bnei Yissakhar according to their mishpekhot.

18. And their territory was toward Yizre'el, and Kesulot, and Shunem,

19. And Chaphrayim, and Shi'on, and Anacharat,

20. And Rabit, and Kishyon, and Evetz,

21. And Remet, and Ein-Ganim, and Ein Chaddah, and Beit Patzetz;

22. And the boundary reacheth to Tavor, and Shachatzimah, and Beit Shemesh; and the end of their boundary was at the Yarden; 16 towns with their villages.