Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yehoshua 17:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. There was also a goral (lot) for the tribe of Menasheh; for he was the bechor of Yosef; Machir was the bechor of Menasheh and the av of Gil`ad, and because he was an ish milchamah, therefore he got Gil`ad and Bashan.

2. There was also a goral (lot) for the rest of the Bnei Menasheh by their mishpekhot; for the Bnei Aviezer, for the Bnei Chelek, for the Bnei Asriel, for the Bnei Shechem, for the Bnei Chepher, and for the Bnei Shemida; these were the zekharim of the Menasheh ben Yosef by their mishpekhot.

3. But Tzelophechad ben Chepher ben Gil`ad ben Machir ben Menasheh had no banim, but banot; and these are the shmot of his banot, Machlah, and Noah, Choglah, Milcah, and Tirtzah.

4. And they came near before Eleazar HaKohen, and before Yehoshua ben Nun, and before the nasi'im saying, Hashem commanded Moshe to give us a nachalah among acheinu. Therefore according to the commandment of Hashem he gave them a nachalah among the achim of their av.

5. And there fell ten tracts of land to Menasheh, in addition to Eretz Gil`ad and Bashan, which were on the other side of the Yarden;