Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yehoshua 13:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Now Yehoshua was zaken, advanced in yamim; Hashem said unto him, Thou art old, advanced in yamim; HaAretz there remaineth yet harebbeh me'od to be possessed.

2. This is HaAretz that yet remaineth; all the regions of the Pelishtim, and all Geshuri,

3. From Sichor, which is before Mitzrayim, even unto the territory of Ekron northward, which is counted to the Kena'ani; five rulers of the Pelishtim; the Azzati, the Ashdodi, the Eshkaloni, the Gitti, the Ekroni; also the Avi'im;

4. From the south, all the Eretz HaKena'ani, and from Arah that belongs to the Tzidonim unto Aphek, to the region of HaEmori;

5. And the area of the Byblos, and all the Levanon, toward the rising of the shemesh, from Baal-Gad under Mt Chermon unto Levo Chamat.