Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yechezkel 44:25-31 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

25. And they shall come near no met adam to make themselves tameh; but for av, or for em, or for ben, or for bat, for ach, or for achot that hath had no ish, they may make themselves tameh.

26. And after he is made tahor, they shall reckon unto him shivat yamim.

27. And in the yom that he goeth into the Kodesh, unto the Khatzer HaPenimit, to minister in the Kodesh, he shall offer his chattat, saith Adonoi Hashem.

28. And it shall be unto them for a nachalah; I am their nachalah; and ye shall give them no achuzzah in Yisroel; I am their achuzzah.

29. They shall eat the minchah, and the chattat, and the asham; and kol cherem in Yisroel shall be theirs.

30. And the reshit kol bikkurim of all things, and every terumah of all, of every sort of your terumot, shall belong to the Kohanim; ye shall also give unto the Kohen the reshit of your dough, that he may cause the berakhah to rest on thine bais.

31. The Kohanim shall not eat of any thing nevelah, or terefah, whether it be oph or behemah.