Orthodox Jewish Bible

Yaakov 3:9-17 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

9. With this we say a bracha to Hashem, Adoneinu and Avoteynu, and with this we put a kelalah (curse) on Bnei Adam, who have been created according to the demut Elohim [Gn 1:26,27).

10. Out of the same PEH comes forth bracha and also kelalah. My Achim b'Moshiach, these things ought not to be.

11. Surely not out of the same makor (fountain) pours forth mayim both sweet and bitter?

12. Surely an etz te'enah (fig tree) cannot yield olives, my Achim b'Moshiach, or a grape vine figs? Neither can salt water yield sweet water.

13. Who has chochmah and binah among you? Let him show by his hitnahagut hatovah (good conduct) that the ma'asim of him are of the shiflut (lowliness) of chochmah.

14. But if bitter kina (jealousy) you have and anochiyut (selfishness) in your levavot, do not boast and speak sheker against HaEmes.

15. This is not the Chochmah coming down and descending from above, but is of the Olam Hazeh, of this world and of shedim.

16. For where kina and anochiyut are, there is tohu vavohu (disorder, chaos) and every ra'ah.

17. But the chochmah from above is berishonah (in the first place) tehorah (pure), then ohevet shalom (peaceloving), then eidel (gentle) and considerate, then full of rachamim and p'ri tov, and without maso panim and tzevi'ut.