Orthodox Jewish Bible

Vayikra 21:8-19 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8. Thou shalt set him apart as kodesh therefore; for he offereth the lechem of Eloheicha; he shall be makriv kadosh (holy offering) unto thee: for I, Hashem, the One setting you apart as kodesh, am kadosh.

9. And the bat of any kohen, if she profane herself by playing the zonah, she profaneth her av; she shall be burned with eish.

10. And he that is the Kohen HaGadol among his brethren, upon whose head the Shemen Hamishchah (Anointing Oil) was poured, and that is ordained to put on the garments, shall not in mourning uncover his head, nor rend his garments;

11. Neither shall he go in to any dead body, nor make himself tamei for his av, or for his em;

12. Neither shall he go out of the Mikdash, nor profane the Mikdash Elohav; for the nezer shemen mishchat Elohav (consecration of the anointing oil of his G-d) is upon him: I am Hashem.

13. And he shall take an isha in her virginity.

14. An almanah, or a gerusha, or chalalah, or a zonah, these shall he not take; but he shall take a betulah of his own people to wife.

15. Neither shall he profane his zera among his people; for I Hashem do set him apart as kodesh.

16. And Hashem spoke unto Moshe, saying,

17. Speak unto Aharon, saying, Whosoever he be of thy zera in their dorot that hath any defect, let him not approach to offer the lechem of Elohav.

18. For whatsoever ish he be that hath a mum, he shall not approach; an ish ivver, or a pise'ach (lame), or he who is disfigured or malformed,

19. Or an ish that has a crippled regel or a crippled yad,