Orthodox Jewish Bible

Titos 3:13-15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. Do your utmost to speed Zenas, the Ben Torah (scholar), and Apollos on their way, that nothing for them may be lacking.

14. Let anshei adateynu (the men of our community) learn to be concerned about ma'asim tovim so as to supply urgent needs, that they may not be lo poreh (unfruitful).

15. Drishat Shalom from all the ones with me. Drishat Shalom to those who have ahavah for us in the emunah [of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach]. Chen v'Chesed Hashem to all of you. [T.N. In the next letter, Rav Sha'ul's ministry bore fruit in freedom in a messianic shtiebel in Colossae for a slave boy who had run away in the shackles of sin before Moshiach the Go'el set him free.]