Orthodox Jewish Bible

Titos 1:5-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. For this reason I left you in Crete that you should set beseder (according to acceptable order) what remains and give messianic s'michah to Zekenim (SHEMOT 12:21) city by city, as I directed you.

6. If anyone is without reproach, a ba'al isha echat (a one woman man/master, see OJB, p.1078, 1Ti 3:2; 5:9), his banim being ma'aminim in Moshiach, and not under accusation of debauchery and zenut or sorrut (rebelliousness, insubordination) [1Sm 2:22-25],

7. For it is necessary for the congregational Mashgiach Ruchani to be without reproach as Hashem's mefake'ach al Beis Hashem (steward or supervisor of the House of G-d), not a ba'al gaavah (a haughty person), not quick in ka'as (anger), not a shikkor (drunkard) given to much wine, not violent, not a gelt-loving kamtzan (miser).

8. Rather, the Mashgiach Ruchani must be one who practices hachnosas orchim (hospitality), an ohev es haTov (a lover of the good), having seichel, a tzaddik, kadosh (holy), with shlitah atzmi (selfcontrol),

9. Devoted to the faithful hatafah (preaching) of the Besuras HaGeulah, adequate for hora'ah (teaching) that exhorts to [Moshiach's] orthodox Jewish doctrine and for refuting and exposing with conviction the ones speaking against it.

10. For there are indeed many mitnaggedim (opponents), idle talkers and deceivers, especially the ones of the party of the Mohalim HaGoyim (false teacher Circumcisers of Gentiles),

11. Whose mouths it is necessary to stop, who are subverting entire mishpochot (families) by teaching what they ought not, for the sake of dishonest gelt.

12. A certain one of them, a "navi" of their own number, said, "Cretans are always meshakkrim (liars), wicked beasts, lazy trombeniks (gluttons)."

13. This eidus (testimony) is true, for which cause rebuke them sharply, that they may be orthodox Jewish in [Moshiach's] emunah,

14. Not paying attention to Jewish aggadot and to mitzvot d'Rabbanan (precepts imposed by the rabbis, i.e., which contradict the Kitvei Hakodesh--1C 4:6; DEVARIM 4:2), becoming meshummad (apostate) from HaEmes.

15. All things are tahor to hatehorim; but, to the ones having been defiled and taking the side of the Apikoros, nothing is tahor, but has been made tameh, both lev and matzpun.

16. Hashem they profess to know, but by their ma'asim they deny him, being disqualified [for the rabbanut or ministry of Moshiach] and being without mishma'at (obedience), and, as to every one of the ma'asim tovim, unpalatably unkosher (unfit).