Orthodox Jewish Bible

Timotiyos 2 2:16-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

16. But profane chatter bereft of kedushah, avoid, for such will advance that which is frai (irreligious).

17. Their lashon hora will spread like gangrene, as in the case of Hymenaeus and Philetus,

18. Who concerning HaEmes missed the mark, teaching that the Techiyas HaMesim has already occurred. They are overthrowing the emunah of some.

19. Al kol panim (nevertheless), the solid yesod of Hashem stands firm and zicher (certain), having this seal: V'YODA' Hashem ES ASHER LO ("Hashem KNOWS THE ONES WHO ARE HIS" BAMIDBAR 16:5); and let everyone who names the name of Hashem depart from avel (iniquity, gross injustice).

20. In a bais gadol, there are not only k'lei (vessels) of gold and silver but also those wooden ones and earthen ones: some, for honorable use; others, for dishonorable use.

21. If anyone makes himself tahor from these things he will be a k'li vessel for honorable use, having been set aside as kodesh, useful to HaAdon, ready for every ma'aseh tov.

22. But flee from the ta'avot hane'urim (lusts of youth TEHILLIM 25:7) and pursue tzedek, emunah, ahavah, and shalom with the ones calling on Adoneinu out of a lev tahor.