Orthodox Jewish Bible

Timotiyos 2 1:7-14 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

7. For Hashem did not bestow upon us a ruach of pachad (terror), but of gevurah (miraculous power) and of ahavah (love) and of sound havchanah (judgment).

8. Do not, therefore, be ashamed of the eidus of Adoneinu nor of me, his asir (prisoner), but suffer together with me for the Besuras HaGeulah in the ko'ach of Hashem,

9. The one having granted us Yeshu'at Eloheinu and having called us with a kri'ah kedoshah (holy calling), not according to the ma'asim mitzvot of us but according to his own tachlis (purpose) and chesed having been given to us in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua before Yamim HaOlam,

10. But having been manifested now through the appearing of Moshieynu Moshiach Yehoshua, who nullified death [i.e., his own histalkus and Mavet itself] and also brought Chayyim and alkillayon (incorruptibility) to light through the Besuras HaGeulah,

11. For which I was appointed a karoz (herald), a maggid (darshan, preacher), a Shliach and a rabbi (teacher).

12. It is because of these things also that I suffer. But I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and I have been persuaded that He is able to stand shomer, guarding [preserving] until HaYom HaHu the [orthodox Jewish, see 1Ti 6:20] pikkadon (deposit) entrusted to Him by me.

13. Follow the pattern of sound orthodox Jewish devarim which you heard from me, in emunah and ahavah in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua.

14. Stand shomer over the orthodox Jewish pikkadon entrusted to you through the Ruach Hakodesh dwelling in us.