Orthodox Jewish Bible

Timotiyos 1 6:4-15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

4. He has succombed to gaa'vah (conceit), having binah of nothing, but having a morbid craving for controversies and disputes over dvarim out of which comes kinah (envy), madon (strife), lashon hora (evil speaking), chashadot merusha'im (evil suspicions),

5. And constant friction between men corrupted in their minds and having become bereft of HaEmes, thinking chasidus to be a means of financial revach.

6. But chasidus with tzufriedenkait (contentment) is great revach (gain, profit).

7. For we brought nothing into the Olam Hazeh, neither are we able to carry anything out of it,

8. But having okhel (food) and begadim (clothes), with these we will be satisfied.

9. But the ones desiring to be oishirim (rich men) fall into nisayon (temptation) and into a pakh (trap) and into many foolish and destructive ta'avot (lusts) which plunge men into cherem and Avaddon (destruction).

10. For the ahavas hakesef (love of money) is the shoresh (root) of kol hara'ot (all evils), which some, craving, were thereby led away from the emunah [of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach] and pierced themselves with many machovim (sorrows).

11. But you, ish haElohim (man of G-d), flee these things. Pursue tzedek, chasidus, emunah, ahavah, savlanut, and anavah.

12. Fight the good fight of emunah; lay hold of the Chayyei Olam to which you were called when you made the eidus tovah (good testimony) before edim rabbim (many witnesses).

13. I charge you before Hashem, the one giving Chayyim to all things, and before Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, the one having testified the eidus tovah (good testimony) before Pontius Pilate,

14. I charge you to be shomer over the mitzvoh [of Moshiach] spotlessly, irreproachably, until the appearing of Moshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua,

15. Which He will make manifest at the right time --HaMvorach, HaRibbon HaYachid, Melech HaMelachim and Adon HaAdonim.