Orthodox Jewish Bible

Timotiyos 1 5:14-17 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. Therefore, I counsel younger almanot to proceed with nissu'in (marriage), to bear banim, to manage the bais, giving no occasion to the mitnagged (opponent, antagonist) to reproach us.

15. For already some almanot have turned aside to follow Hasatan.

16. If any ma'aminah (believing woman) has in her mishpochah (family) almanot, let her assist her almanot and let not Moshiach's Kehillah be burdened, that indeed Moshiach's Kehillah may assist the ones who are true almanot [v.9].

17. Let the Zekenim (elders, see SHEMOT 12:21) who have ruled well be considered worthy of double kavod, especially the Zekenim laboring in Messianic hatafah (preaching) and Messianic hora'ah (teaching).