Orthodox Jewish Bible

Timotiyos 1 5:1-7 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. To a Zaken do not speak harsh rebuke. Rather entreat him as an abba. Treat the bochrim as achim (brothers).

2. Elderly nashim treat as imahot (mothers); younger nashim as achayot (sisters) in all hatohar (moral purity).

3. Honor [with support] almanot (widows) that are really almanot.

4. But if any almanah has banim or bnei banim, let the banim or bnei banim learn first to show yirat Shomayim vis-a-vis their own bais and to render recompense to the horim (parents), for this is acceptable in the sight of Hashem.

5. Now the true almanah, left alone, has set her tikvah on Hashem and continues in her techinnah [2:1] and her tefillos yomam valailah.

6. But the one living in ahavat ta'anugot (hedonism) has died while living.

7. And insist on these things, that the almanot be irreproachable.