Orthodox Jewish Bible

Timotiyos 1 1:5-10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. But the tachlis (purpose) of the gzeira [1:3] is ahavah (love) out of a lev tahor (pure heart) and a clear matzpun (conscience) and emunah (faith) without tzevi'ut (hypocrisy).

6. Some people [1:3] have missed the mark and deviated from these things to hevel (vanity), to divrei havohu (words of emptiness).

7. Wanting to teach Torah as rabbonim, they have binah neither of what they are talking about nor of the things about which they so confidently make assertions.

8. But we know that the Torah is beneficial if anyone's use of Torah is Torah-true.

9. This means one must have da'as that the Torah [in reference to the mitzvot lo ta'aseh, the negative commandments, lo tachmod, lo tirtzach, lo tinaf, etc] is not intended for the anshei tzedek (men of righteousness) but for the bnei Belial and the poshei'im (the ones transgressing, rebelling), those without yirat Shomayim and the chote'im (sinners), osei to'eva (doers of abomination), profane people, killers of their own Av va'Em (father and mother [SHEMOT 21:15(14)], and rotzeachim (murderers),

10. Zannayim (fornicators), shochvim es zachar (homosexuals), gonvei nefesh (kidnapper, slave dealers SHEMOT 21:16), shakranim (liars), nishba'im lasheker (perjurers) and whatever else is keneged (against) sound orthodox torah [Moshiach's Torah in correct Messianic teaching]