Orthodox Jewish Bible

Timotiyos 1 1:13-20 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. Previously being one guilty of Chillul Hashem gidduf (blasphemy), redifah (persecution), and [religious] terrorism, fort (nevertheless), I received rachamim (mercy), because I acted in [unregenerate] ignorance in the absence of emunah.

14. And the Chen vaChesed Adoneinu super-abounded with emunah and ahavah in Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua.

15. Trustworthy is the dvar Emes and worthy of all mekabel acceptance, that Rebbe, Melech, HaMoshiach Yehoshua came into the Olam Hazeh to rescue chote'im, of whom I am the foremost.

16. But because of this, I received rachamim that in me, the foremost, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua might display all savlanut (longsuffering, patience), making me a mofet (model) to the ones about to have bitachon (trust) and emunah in Moshiach, resulting in Chayyei Olam.

17. Now to HaMelech HaOlamim, the One who is ein ketz (without end), Whom no eye has seen, Adonoi echad, lo hakavod v'hatiferet mayhaolam v'ad haolam (to him be honor and glory from forever to forever). Omein.

18. This gzeira (1:3) I commit to you, beni Timotiyos, according to hanevu'ot (the prophecies 4:14) made previously about you, that by them you might war the good warfare,

19. Holding emunah and a clear matzpun (conscience), which some persons [1:3], because they pushed aside a clear matzpun [1:5], have suffered shipwreck in the [Orthodox Jewish] emunah.

20. Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I handed over to Hasatan, that they might be taught not to commit Chillul Hashem gidduf.