Orthodox Jewish Bible

Tehillim 96:3-10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. Declare His kavod among the Goyim, His nifle'ot (marvelous deeds) among all peoples.

4. For Hashem is gadol, and me'od to be praised; He is to be feared above all elohim.

5. For kol elohei HaAmim are elilim (idols); but Hashem made Shomayim.

6. Hod and hadar are before Him; oz and tiferet are in His Mikdash.

7. Render unto Hashem, O ye mishpekhot of the nations, render unto Hashem kavod and oz.

8. Render unto Hashem the kavod due unto Shmo; bring a minchah, and come into His khatzerot (courtyards).

9. O worship Hashem in the hadrat Kodesh; fear before Him, kol ha'aretz.

10. Say among the Goyim that Hashem reigneth; the tevel also is established that it shall not be moved; He shall judge the Amim bemeysharim (in equity, in uprightness).