Orthodox Jewish Bible

Tehillim 89:36-52 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

36. (37) His zera shall endure l'olam, and his kisse as the shemesh before Me.

37. (38) It shall be established olam as the yarei'ach, and as an ed ne'eman (a faithful witness) in the heavens. Selah.

38. (39) But Thou hast cast off [mem-alef-samech, see same word Psalm 118:22] and abhorred, Thou hast been in wrath with Thine Moshiach.

39. (40) Thou hast made void the Brit of Thy eved; Thou hast profaned his nezer (diadem) to the ground.

40. (41) Thou hast broken down all his gederot (hedges); Thou hast brought his strongholds to ruin.

41. (42) All that pass by the derech plunder him; he is a cherpah (reproach) to his shchenim [Mt 27:39].

42. (43) Thou hast exalted the yamin of his adversaries; Thou hast made all his oyevim to rejoice.

43. (44) Thou hast also turned back the edge of his cherev, and hast not made him to stand in the milchamah.

44. (45) Thou hast made his glory to cease, and cast his kisse down to the ground.

45. (46) The days of his youth hast thou shortened; Thou hast covered him with bushah (shame). Selah.

46. (47) How long, Hashem? Wilt Thou hide Thyself lanetzach (forever)? Shall Thy wrath burn like eish?

47. (48) Remember how short my time is. For what vanity hast Thou created kol bnei adam?

48. (49) What gever is he that liveth, and shall not see mavet? Shall he deliver his nefesh from the yad Sheol (power of Sheol)? Selah.

49. (50) Adonoi, where are Thy former lovingkindnesses, which Thou didst swear unto Dovid in Thy emunah?

50. (51) Remember, Adonoi, the reproach of Thy avadim; how I do bear in my kheyk (bosom) the reproach of all rabbim amim (many peoples);

51. (52) Wherewith Thine oyevim have reproached, Hashem; wherewith they have reproached the ikkevot (footsteps) of Thine Moshiach.

52. (53) Baruch Hashem l'olam. Omein and Omein.