Orthodox Jewish Bible

Tehillim 81:9-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

9. (10) There shall no el zar (strange, foreign g-d) be among thee; neither shalt thou worship any el nechar (foreign g-d).

10. (11) I am Hashem Eloheicha Who brought thee out of Eretz Mitzrayim; open thy mouth wide, I will fill it.

11. (12) But My people would not pay heed to My voice; and Yisroel would have none of Me.

12. (13) So I gave them up unto their own hearts' sherirut (stubbornness); and they walked in their own mo'atzot (counsels).

13. (14) Oh that My people had paid heed unto Me, and Yisroel had walked in My ways!

14. (15) I should soon have subdued their oyevim and turned My Yad (hand, power) against their adversaries.

15. (16) The haters of Hashem should have cringed before Him; their et (time, fate, punishment) endures l'olam.

16. (17) He would have fed them also with the finest of the chittah (wheat); and with devash (honey) from the Tzur would I have satisfied thee.