Orthodox Jewish Bible

Tehillim 72:17-20 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. Shmo (His Name) shall endure l'olam; Shmo shall be continued as long as the shemesh; and men shall be blessed in him; kol Goyim shall call him blessed.

18. Baruch Hashem Elohim, Elohei Yisroel, who only doeth nifla'ot (wondrous things).

19. And baruch Shem kevodo l'olam (and blessed be His Glorious Name forever); and let the whole earth be filled with His glory. Omein, and Omein.

20. The tefillot Dovid Ben Yishai are ended. [T.N. The next Psalm concerns a revelation received in the Holy Place, namely the fate of the wicked whose prosperity is delusional since the riches of G-d's house is wealth they can never attain to, revealing their true eternal poverty. See Ps 73:24 on afterlife in G-d's presence.]