Orthodox Jewish Bible

Tehillim 72:1-10 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Give HaMelech Thy mishpatim, O Elohim, and Thy tzedakah unto the Ben Melech.

2. He shall judge Thy people with tzedek, and Thy poor with mishpat.

3. The harim (mountains) shall bear shalom to the people, and geva'ot (hills) in tzedakah.

4. He shall judge the poor of the people; yoshia (He shall save) the bnei evyon (children of the needy), and shall break in pieces the oppressor.

5. They shall fear Thee as long as the shemesh and yarei'ach endure, dor dorim (throughout all generations).

6. He shall come down like matar (rain) upon the mown field, as showers watering eretz.

7. In his yamim shall the tzaddik flourish; and abundance of shalom so long as the yarei'ach endureth.

8. He [Moshiach Ben Dovid] shall have dominion also from yam to yam, and from nahar (river) unto the afsei eretz (the ends of the earth).

9. They that dwell in the desert shall bow before him; and his oyevim (enemies) shall lick the aphar (dust).

10. The melachim of Tarshish and of the iyim (islands) shall bring minchah (tribute); the melachim of Sheva and Seva shall offer gifts.